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Basics of Sorting in Programming Part 1

Hello Viewer! Today I am again continuing my old blog "programming language.in" after 2-3 years, I hope now I will write this blog until I reach my goals. so support me as previous and always remind me if I forgot my goal 🙏. 

On this website, I upload POST related to whatever topic that I read in my whole day.


sorting cover


  • Sorting is nothing but arranging items/elements/numbers etc. into order and order can be (1) Increasing Order (2) Decreasing order.
          Example: -- [9,2,1,7,3] -these are the five items and we need to sort these items. 
          so we can do this in two ways:-

    1. DECREASING ORDER - [9,7,3,2,1]
    2. INCREASING ORDER - [1,2,3,7,9]


  • Sorting is very important in programming as (sorting) are important in our daily life. because using sorting we can easily locate any items.
  • Similarly, in programming, most of the time we deal with the data so as compared working on the Sorted Data is more efficient and faster than working on Unsorted Data.
  • One of the very important reasons for using SORTING is to Solve any problem in less time and that's why a computer is known for. 
  • The most common uses of SORTED SEQUENCES are Making Search Faster and efficient.

  • We all use websites/apps related to Shopping, Food Ordering etc. in these applications we use some options like Filter Product by "Low to High Price", "High to Low Price", "Shows product available in our nearby area", "show shop location in our nearby area" all these types of options working on the Sorting.
  • Behind the Scene of all these types of options working upon some kind of sorting algorithms and we will learn in this series the different types of Sorting Algorithms that are most commonly used.

That's All I have learned today! maybe this post has an error or something is missing I am just writing this as notes of my learning lesson so that I can revise it from anywhere remotely. 

Request 🙏: - If You found any error then DO NOT FORGET TO PING ME IN COMMENT or MAIL ME From contact us page.

Thank You 4 Reading!💗💗