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Basics of Data Structure with Real Life Example | Part 1

 Hello Viewer! how are you? I hope you are very well. Today I have started learning Data Structure. below I have written what I learn today...

basics of data structure

Before knowing about DATA STRUCTURE let's first learn about DATA. What is the DATA?


  • Data is nothing but a collection of characters or symbols on which we can perform some operations.
  • According to dictionary definition Data is "The quantities, characters or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer, which may be stored and transmitted in the form of electronic signal and recording or storing on magnetic, optical or mechanical recording media."


    c = a + b   

{ Here "a" and "b" are the data on which we are performing the addition operation. }


  • There is a distinction between Data and Information.
  • DATA: it is a just collection of symbols, characters does matter order or anything how they have written.
  • INFORMATION: When we extract the actual meaning from Data then that becomes Information. Thus we can say Information is nothing but meaningful data.{ understand with below example}

data vs information in computer

  • Data is Just a collection of characters, we cannot understand that properly.
  • Information: If the data is arranged in a systematic way then it gets a structure and become meaningful and this meaningful data is called "Information".

To provide an appropriate way to structure the data then we need to know about DATA STRUCTURE.

  • A Data Structure is the systematic way to organize the data so that it can be used efficiently

Data Structure is
  • arranging the data.
  • organizing the data.
  • managing the data in such a way that we can use it efficiently.

Example of Classical data structure: ARRAY

(a) Array is like data structure because it helps us to manage the data in an appropriate way.  
(b) Instead of creating multiple variables of smae type why not create an array to store all the value and access it efficiently {we will study more about this later}

Real-Life Example of Data Structure:

(a) Stack Data Structure - It is used in implementing "UNDO" and "REDO" features.{understand with example}

The above image is SnapShot of Google Docs! where we can understand the REDO and UNDO concepts. 

(b) Storing the friendship information on social networking site
    we use Graph Data Structure to store these kinds of data.

(c) Storing Images as a Bitmap 

{Thats All for Today. I hope you liked itwe will discuss more about this in upcoming posts}

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