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Learning Data Structure with Example | Class 4

 Hello Viewer! how are you? I hope you are very well. Today I have learned about Abstract Data Types. below I have written what I learn today...

data structure basic


  • It is nothing but a structure of storing data so that whenever we need then we can manage, access it in an efficient way. OR
  • Way to arrange data in main memory for efficient usage.
    example: Arrays, Linked List, Stack etc.
    real world ex.-  suppose if we are building a house then we have to give proper structure where gonna be the living room, kitchen, bathroom etc. so that whenever we need to go to the bathroom or something then we can easily find out where they are. 


   Similarly, in programming, we deal with a large amount of data so if we do not manage it properly then we can't access it faster it takes too much time to solve my query. to overcome this problem we need to structure our data. and here Data Structure comes!

  • An algorithm is nothing but a set of steps to solve any problem.
  • A sequence of steps on data using an efficient data structure to solve a given problem 
            Suppose, You have to purpose your crush. then for this problem 1st thing, you have to do is build confidence, 2nd thing - you need to be better in your class, 3rd thing is - you need to do groom up your look and many more things like these{i have not much experience if you know then don't forget to do comment below}. here we are writing our problem solution is in a sequence of steps so that we can achieve our goals. and this is called "Algorithm".

  • Collection of information in permanent storage(secondary storage) for faster retrieval and access.

  • Management of a huge amount of legacy data(old data that is used for analysis purposes) for better analysis.

  • Analysis of too large or complex data which cannot deal with the traditional data processing applications. these types of data are used in Search Engines.

A Data Structure and some sequence of processing steps to solve a problem--> Algorithm

That's All I have learned today! maybe this post has an error or something is missing I am just writing this as notes of my learning lesson so please before using it anywhere verify once. for more read this 👉 --- About us.

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