Hello Viewer! How are you I hope you well? In the previous lesson, we learn our first program in c language in this lesson we'll learn about operators...
our 1st question is what is operators:-
Operators are nothing but it is a symbol such as +,- etc.. there are many types of the operator in c programming language. some basic types of operators are...
1) Unary Operator: A unary operator is that operator that operates on a single operand in an expression or statement.
n++ :- Post Increment
here the meaning of "n++" is 1st take number and increment to 1. understand the following example.
int n=1,p ;
O/p = 1. it means 1st assign the value of p = 1 and the increment it by 1. here the value of n is assigned to the p then the output is 1.
++n :- Pre Increment
here the meaning of "++n" is 1st increment the value of n and then assign into p.
int n=1,p ;
here O/p= 2, it means 1st increment the value of n and then assigns into p.
n-- :- Post Decrement
Similarly, As we know in the increment operator here also the same logic. understand with the example...
int n= 3, p;
p= n--;
O/p= 3, because here the 1st value of n assign into p and then decrement.
-- n :- Pre Decrement
Now you are able to understand these type of increment :) because you understand above with the example.
2) Arithmetic Operator: Arithetic operator are nothing but Addition(+), Substraction(-), Multiplication(*), Division(/) and Modulus Division(%)
our 1st question is what is operators:-
Operators are nothing but it is a symbol such as +,- etc.. there are many types of the operator in c programming language. some basic types of operators are...
- Unary Operator
- Arithmetic Operator
- Bitwise Operator
- Relational Operator
- Logical Operator
- Assignment Operator
1) Unary Operator: A unary operator is that operator that operates on a single operand in an expression or statement.
- ++ :- Increment Operator
- -- :- Decrement Operator
n++ :- Post Increment
here the meaning of "n++" is 1st take number and increment to 1. understand the following example.
int n=1,p ;
O/p = 1. it means 1st assign the value of p = 1 and the increment it by 1. here the value of n is assigned to the p then the output is 1.
++n :- Pre Increment
here the meaning of "++n" is 1st increment the value of n and then assign into p.
int n=1,p ;
here O/p= 2, it means 1st increment the value of n and then assigns into p.
n-- :- Post Decrement
Similarly, As we know in the increment operator here also the same logic. understand with the example...
int n= 3, p;
p= n--;
O/p= 3, because here the 1st value of n assign into p and then decrement.
-- n :- Pre Decrement
Now you are able to understand these type of increment :) because you understand above with the example.
2) Arithmetic Operator: Arithetic operator are nothing but Addition(+), Substraction(-), Multiplication(*), Division(/) and Modulus Division(%)
Suppose in a large project/assignment we have almost all type of operator such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division etc. so 1st we solve the " *, / , % " this operator.
(i) If between the two integers any arithmetic sign( such as Addition, Multiplication, Division, Subtraction) then the result will be Integer.
Integer/Integer = Integer
11/5 = 2 (Right)
11/5 = 2.2 ( Wrong )
12/5 = 2 (Right)
(ii) If between the Real and Integer any Arithmetic operation ( such as Addition, Multiplication, Division, Subtraction ) then the result will be Real.
Real/Integer = Real
Integer/Real = Real
Real/Real = Real
3) Bitwise Operator: The operator are used to perform a bitwise operation like..,
Bitwise AND - &
Bitwise OR - |
Bitwise XOR - ^
Bitwise NOT - ~
Bitwise Right Shift - >>
Bitwise Left Shift - <<
4) Relational Operator:
-Relational operator always yields result either 0 or 1.
-Every Non-zero value is True and Zero value is false.
In relational operator we 1st solve the " <, >, <=, >= " and after solving the relation we have to solve " ==, != " relation. let's understand the given example
int main()
int n;
n=5>4>3 ; // left to right
printf("\n%d", n);
Output: 0 or False, because we know 5 greater than 4 than here the value is 1 and 1 not greater than 3 hence these are false.
5) Logical Operator: These operators are used to combine two or more conditional expression in a statement.
Logical AND - &&
Logical OR - ||
Logical NOT - !
6) Assignment Operator: Assignment operator is used to assigning the new value to the variable.
suppose I have a value 10 and I need to store the value in " sum " variable so we can assign the value of a sum is equal to ( = ) 10.
These are two types of the assignment operator
- Simple Assignment Operator: (example - =)
- Compound Assignment Operators ( example - +=, -=, *=, */ , &= )
In this post are so enough 4 today. I hope you like it.
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