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This is my 1st post on my website. hope you like it.
So, friends Today I will start with the basic knowledge about computer programming.
Now the 1st basic question
Basically, A program is a set of instruction written in a proper syntax. or The set of the instruction supplied by the programmer to make the data systematic and sequential.
Programming Languages
- A programming language is a set of commands, instructions and other syntax used to create a software program.
- It is the process of writing a program.
language that programmers are used to writing code is called "HIGH-LEVEL LANGUAGE" this code can be compiled into "LOW-LEVEL LANGUAGE" which is recognized directly by the computer hardware.
A high-level language is designed to be easy to read and understand. this allows programmers to write source code using logical words and symbols like - Function, while, if-else are used in the most major programming language. symbols like- <, >, ==, != are common operators. many high-level languages are similar enough that programmers can easily understand source code written in multiple languages. e.g, - C, C++, JAVA, PERL, PHP .
languages like C, C++ are called "Compiled Language" since the source code must first be compiled in order to run.
languages like PERL, PHP are called "Interpreted Language" since the source code can be run through an interpreter.
Generally compiled languages are used to create a Software Application, while interpreted languages are used for running scripts. such as those used to generate content for Dynamic Website. Low-level language included assembly and machine language. an assembly language contains a list of basic instructions and is much more difficult to read than a high-level language. An assembler can be used to translate the assembly codes into machine code. The machine code or machine language contains a series of binary codes that are understood directly by the computer. Machine language is not designed to be Human Readable.
Notes: In this above section some topic like high-level, low-level, compiler, assembler etc. are discussed in next post briefly.
Generation Of Programming Languages
1. First Generation Programming Language( 1GL ) is Machine Language ( 0 to 1 ) these are also called Low-Level Language.
2. Second Generation Programming Language( 2GL ) is Assembly Language. these are also called low-level language. assembly languages sometimes used in Hardware drives etc.
3. Third Generation Programming Language(3GL ) are the High-level language like C, C++, JAVA etc.
4. Fourth Generation Programming Language( 4GL ) are used in database programming and scripting language. E.g. - PERL, PHP, PYTHON, RUBY etc.
5. Fifth Generation Programming Language( 5GL ) are the very high-level language that contains tools to develop a program. e.g.- MERCURY, OPS5, PROLOG.
Assembly Language
- Assembly language is written in symbols. it is a low-level programming language.
- Collection of Mnemonic called assembly language.
- Needs of Assembly Language
(1) To design System Software. ( Compiler, Loader etc. )
(2) Less numbers of codes required than a high-level language.
(3) It is difficult to write a program in machine language. so we can learn and write a program in assembly language.
(4) It is easier to understand.
- we convert assembly language program into machine language with the help of "ASSEMBLER".
An assembler is a system software which converts( translates ) assembly language to machine language.
i.e. A program that accepts instruction written in assembly language and translates them into a binary representation of the corresponding machine instruction:
(i) MASM
(ii) TASM
(iii) NASM
(iv) MICRO ASM etc.
we'll discuss more about assembler in our next post. if you like this please share with your friends and if you have any doubts then comment.
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